Saturday, August 05, 2006

Day 0: What's past is prologue... I may as well write about it, even though it's not likely to be news to any of my hypothetical Dear Readers.

This blog has as its purpose the recording of my temporary sojourn in New York City, mainly as a mnemonic device but perhaps also for the edification and entertainment of any who might stop and read. And look at the pretty pictures. So, enjoy! A word of warning: most names have been changed to protect identities, yatta, yatta. Please to preserve this light fictionalisation when commenting.

The Backstory: I am a Canadian relocating to New York City to work in the glittering, glamourous world of the Internet. Ok, the arduous, t-shirt-clad, and sometimes pungent world of the Internet, at the imaginary company Work takes place in the distant realm of Outer Limits, but I newly call home the lovely neighbourhood of Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.

This blog will mostly concern itself with repetitious expressions of wonder and homesickness in the face of The City, living in a foreign country, and there'll be lots about food. The pseudonymous cast of characters will be introduced all in good time. If need be, there might eventually evolve an FAQ and possibly a Cast of Characters. In the mean time, I foresee one question that will need to be answered:

Q: Why wombats, cousin?
A: It's a long story; wombats are the new hippo; why not wombats? Why not?

I'm sure that clears everything up.

The Rules: So far, not many. The idea is that every day of my sojourn gets an entry of its own, no matter how terse or after-the-fact-posted. In addition, noteworthy events will probably get their own special sections, and I may evolve thematic series as time goes on, because who doesn't like thematic series? No, don't answer that.

The main rule is, please preserve pseudonymity. The blog will display in reverse chronological order but can be skimmed, grazed, tasted and discarded at will. One of the fun things about blogs is how people can comment, so please go ahead.

Onward Ho!

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