Thursday, September 28, 2006

Day 55: Conspiracy theories.

Today was just another day in the office. With the added bonus that all the paranoid rumours we had been hearing lately were finally confirmed. Somehow office gossip always finds itself last to the people it properly concerns....anyway, our team spent most of the afternoon in little huddles exchanging snippets of information and lashings of griping. I still don't know what the changes are going to mean for me, and I may not know for sure for weeks...sigh. All this is very tiring.

So, the Atomic Squid and I decided to turn those frowns upside down, so we took off (relatively) early for the East Village, and ate Japanese street food, and gawked at a beautiful kosher bakery. I had just been craving rye bread, too :-) Then later we met the Grand Pademelon and four Australians and consumed many pots of steaming congee at the eponymous Lower East Side "village". Another day, another dollar, another hoping that I'm not out of a job :P

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