Sunday, October 25, 2009

Something Problematic About Japan

is that everywhere I go, I realise I will need to go back again later because it is so awesome.

Also, it is very difficult to pay your own way, as people are always snatching the bill away and not letting you have it. It's surprisingly hard to do anything about this when you can't talk to the staff and they can. And then even when you do succeed, it's a Pyrrhic victory because your host will probably add on something else more expensive that you didn't know about and sneakily pay for it when you are not looking.

These are the kinds of problems that I am having currently.

In other words, I am having an amazing time.

(though I am thinking of implementing a policy, once I'm back in Canada, of randoming paying for things for Japanese tourists I've never met before just to even the scales a bit!)

1 comment:

Barefoot said...

That's incredibly amazing. And something that would feel completely alien in our culture, don't you think? We are all so obsessed with ignoring each other.