Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mikuji Number 29: Good Fortune

This is my Shinto fortune, which I drew today:

You have been living in obscurity like bog-wood, and have been suffering from many difficulties, by this time. Hereafter you will be in improvement of your fortune, and will be getting better in your life, in accordance with your time and place. Believe in God and Buddha.

Your illness can be cured. In case you are poor, it will be cured soon. When you are superior, it will take long time to.

It's hard to get arrangement of marriage. Try it at slow pace.

Every happy affair, such as building or moving house, will go well.

Good chance for having business, both in selling and buying.

Lost article can be found.

You will win in dispute, but you should treat your opponent kindly.

The person you wait for will come.

"The sky's been covered with cloud of grief for long time. But I feel very happy this morning, that it's turned into clear and we are now in joyful shine of the rising sun."

I got this fortune, the number written on a stick which I shook from an old wooden box, at the Shitamachi Museum in Ueno Park, Tokyo.


klimt chick said...

Does bog wood refer to New Jersey? Wondering if any part of this fortune spoke to you. XOXO

the wombat said...

I totally relate to it! It's a message from the kami!