Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chronicles of Noodlemaking, Week 9: More gnocchi

It's not very adventuresome I know, but those first gnocchi were so tasty that I couldn't resist returning to them. There was a large quantity of spinach just starting to go, and my first thought was malfatti which I have yet to try making, but since we had no ricotta and we did have potatoes, regular potato-spinach gnocchi it was.

The method was pretty much the same as the plain potato; you just chop up the washed spinach and mix it into the potatoes around when you mash them. It did make the dough rather moister, so it was a bit trickier to work with, and the end texture a little less perfect, but it was still fun and tasty.

To eat them, I panfried a portion up with nothing more than a little butter, a lot of sage, and a healthy chunk of sheep feta. And it was DIVINE.

Somehow no one else was around and eating, so I worked my way through the whole batch, admittedly getting a little less enthused as the week wore on. But they were also good with salmon and roasted onion and fennel, with herbs and tomato, and just blandly microwaved with parmesan and pepper overtop on a particularly tired day. Mmmm gnocchi.

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