Thursday, August 17, 2006

Day 13: Once more into the picnic dear friends once more.

The brave picnic tradition continues with a migration to the park. There is even a babbling brook. And trees! Trees! Trees! (Pictured: Noodle Soup, not on the picnic.)

The Japanese contingent got up an hour early to roll rice balls. Hey, I spent SEVERAL MINUTES chatting with the nice guy who runs the Lebanese bakery, while I bought pita. That's very nearly the same thing.

Much later, the denizens of the Figtree are to be found with me, slurping ramen at a ramen bar in the Lower East Side. There is an unfortunate incident with a total prick who needs to justify his queue-jumping activities with instant attitude. Martial action is debated but eventually tabled with regret. The ramen must always take priority.

Noodle soup, where have you been all my life?!?

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